CTS Configure (Shippable Items) H

CTS Configure (Shippable Items) V

Use this page to Set a Baseline CTS Configuration for a Custom WebApp.

To access this page:

  1. Click Admin > CTS > Configuration in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Shippable Items icon.
Field Description
NAME Displays the name of the shippable item.
DESCRIPTION Displays a description of the shippable item.
TABLE NAME Displays the name of the table that stores the data for the shippable item.
Keys Click to open the CTS Configure (Shippable Item Keys) page to view the keys for delivered WebApps and to add the keys for custom WebApps.

CTS Configure (Shippable Items) V

CTS Configure (Shippable Items) H




Displays the name of the shippable item.


Displays a description of the shippable item.

Table Name

Displays the name of the table that stores the data for the shippable item.


Description Column Name

Displays the name of the column on the table that stores the description of the shippable item.

Data Column Name

Displays the name of the column on the table that stores data for the shippable item.



If checked, if the Show Hidden Items check box is checked on the CTS Build page’s Vertical View, this item is visible in the Packing List.