CTS Configure (Shippable Item Keys)

Use this page to Set a Baseline CTS Configuration for a Custom WebApp.

To access this page:

  1. Click Admin > CTS > Configuration in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Shippable Items icon.
  3. Click the Keys icon.

NOTE: Do not update the configurations on this page for delivered WebApps. However, these settings must be configured if you are CTS’ing a Custom WebApp.

Field Description
PRIORITY Displays a value indicating the sort order for records on the page.
NAME Displays the name of the key field for the shippable item.
LIST TABLE Displays the table (or view) containing the fields to be displayed. All views are registered as “web + view name + List”.
LIST VALUE FIELD Displays the key or ID value in the list box. However, it can be any field in a view or table.
LIST DISPLAY FIELD Displays the field containing the description for the List Value Field.
REQUIRED If checked, this key is required for the CTS process to work.