Weekly Summary By Wave & Process Area

This chart displays the number of mappings per status for all field mappings in the Wave and Process Area in the Context bar for the week. The number in the x-axis is the number of the week in the year. For example, 201401 is the first week of the year 2014.

The Total Mappings is the count of active fields in the Target.

Hover a cursor over a section of a chart to view the count of mappings for that status.

Click the line for a Wave and Process Area to drill down to the Objects page to view the Objects that are in the context. From here, drill down to other dashboards that display field mapping summaries at the Object and Target level by clicking Metrics for an Object.

Refer to Weekly Summary By Object for more information.

Refer to View Dashboards in Map for general information about chart features.

To access the chart in Map:

  1. Click Map in the Context bar.
  2. Click the Metrics icon on the Process Area Launch page.
  3. Click the Metric Charts icon on the Metrics and Reports Landing page.