Verify the RFC Retrieved Data from SAP and Updated the Download Tables in SQL

>Review the steps in the process.

NOTE: This use case provides an example of posting using the RFC BOA/ZRFC_READ_TABLE – External access to R/3 tables via RFC, but does not supply comprehensive instructions to suit all RFCs.

To access the download tables to verify the data retrieved from SAP:

  1. Log in to SQL Management Studio.

  2. Locate the database.

  3. Locate the following tables:




For each QUERY_TABLE entered in the primary loop and included in the Posting (in the example, T001W and KNA1):

  1. Verify the download tables were updated with data from SAP.
  2. Verify that the PostingID column is populated.
  3. Verify that the ParentID column in each table is populated with a unique number for each QUERY_TABLE.
  4. In the tt*_Data_Download-Data_Wa column, verify that data is delimited by |.
  5. Determine and make note of the record count for each QUERY_TABLE in the tt*_Fields_Download table (in the example, T001W – 62; KNA1 – 165).
  6. Determine and make note of the record count for each QUERY_TABLE in the tt*_Data_Download table.

To verify the data in SAP:

  1. Enter SE11 in the Command field and press Enter.

  2. Enter the QUERY_TABLE name. In the example, the user entered KNAI.


  3. Click Display.

  4. Verify that the record count in SAP (minus the .Include and .Append records) equals the record count in the tt*_Fields_Download table.

  5. Compare some of the fields in SAP and SQL and verify that the information is identical.

  6. Enter SE16 in the Command field in SAP.

  7. Enter the QUERY_TABLE name.  In the example, the user entered KNAI.

  8. Press Enter.

  9. Click Number of Entries.

  10. Verify that the number of entries is equal to the record count in the tt*_Data_Download table.

  11. Compare some of the data in the tt*_Data_Download-Data_Wa field with the data in SAP and verify that the information is identical.