Add Data in SQL to be Included in the Flat File

Review the steps in the process.

Enter the data in the SQL database that Integrate will include in the flat file when it is generated.

Use the VIEW NAME generated by the Auto Generate Database Objects feature for each loop in the process.

  1. Log in to SQL Server.

  2. Locate the database assigned to the process.

  3. Locate the views and corresponding tables assigned to each of the process template loops.

    NOTE: If the database objects were generated automatically, Integrate created tables and views using the Auto Generate Database Objects feature.  Views are named tx[Process Name Template Name Loop Name]. Tables are named tt[Process Name Template Name Loop Name]_Upload.

  4. Open each table and add records.

  5. If the table was created using the Auto Generate Database Objects feature, populate the FlatFileObjectKey with the same number for a header and the corresponding details for one record to construct a complete data set.  If the views were created manually in the database, register the Flat File Object Kay column at the process template loop level. The column containing the flat file object key can be any column in any view. 

NOTE: The Flat File Object Key is a unique identifier for an object that Integrate uses to join the data stored in different tables to make a complete data set for the object. The data set has two loop levels, the header and the details. For example, Integrate uses the flat file object key of 1 in the first loop (the header) to join the header with detail records stored in tables that also have the flat file object key of 1. When posting, batch sizes are based on the number of header records as set by the Flat File Object Key.

NOTE: If the database objects were created using the Auto Generate Database Object feature, do not populate the ID field, it will be auto-generated.