Unlock Records
A user that has the ability to add or edit the contents of a page with Excel Integration enabled can perform this task.
In order for a user to import records during the import process, the records must be unlocked. If the records are locked during the import process, they are listed as failed on the Excel Integration panel’s Import Results tab.
Locked records are indicated by a padlock symbol in place of the pencil icon used for editing.
The user is notified as to which records are locked and by whom before unlocking them.
NOTE: Only records locked via Excel Integration can be unlocked on the Excel Integration panel.
To unlock records:
Navigate to the page where the records are locked.
Select Excel Integration from the page gear menu; the Excel Integration panel displays.
NOTE: There is a warning message on the panel stating the number of records that are locked and that those records will not be included in the download.
Click the Unlock Records icon; a popup alert displays.
Click OK.
NOTE: The Locked By and Locked On values are cleared, and the records are unlocked. The Excel Integration panel closes.
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