View Trace Dashboard: Object Summary

The summary chart displays the count of all object types in the data source. Other charts on the dashboard track changes by day, week, and month to SQL code for each object type for a given data source.

Object types include:

  • Tables
  • Procedures
  • Views
  • Functions
  • Other – additional SQL objects, such as synonyms, triggers and table functions

NOTE: When multiple charts display on a dashboard, charts can be resized to view a layout more clearly. Drag the bar to the bottom right or upper left of a chart to change its display size.

The View Data icon to the right of a chart name opens a pane that displays the alternate text descriptions of chart data in a table. If a chart has a legend, click a label in the legend to hide or show that label’s section in the chart.

Hover a cursor over each section of a bar to view the field count.

This dashboard contains these charts: