Create a Secure Key

To create a secure key:

  1. Select Configuration > Modules > Keys in Navigation pane.

  2. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Keys page

  3. Enter a value in KEYIDENTIFIER field.

    NOTE: The KEY IDENTIFIER is the name used to identify the key during the encryption and decryption processes. It should be recognizable by the Data Migration teams.

  4. Enter a value in KEYPASSWORD field.

    NOTE: The KEY PASSWORD should be a strong password. A strong password is at least eight characters in length and contains a capital letter, a number and a special character, e.g., @lantaGA2013. The password is encrypted using DSP® encryption and stored in the table, but is not visible on the web page. Once created, the password cannot be modified. Refer to Forgotten/Incorrect Passwords for more information.

  5. Update KEY ALGORITHM list box if the default value is not applicable.

  6. Click Save.