Configure RFC Options

Before performing this task:

RFC options enable the configuration of a table using an RFC and are available by field name for conditional data downloads. This feature serves as a Where Clause to limit data read from the tables. In order to configure the RFC options, the Package Type for the table must be set to BOA RFC using Options and the BackOffice  transports must be installed. Refer to the project team lead to verify the transport files are installed.

To configure RFC Options:

1.     Click Tables in Navigation pane.

2.     Click Vertical View for a table where the Package Type is BOA RFC using Options.

3.     Click Action tab.

4.     Click Options.

5.     Click Add.

View the field descriptions for the Table (Rfc Options) page

6.     Update PRIORITY field if the default value is not applicable.

NOTE:ThePRIORITY field controls the sort order of column fields.

7.     Select a field name from FIELD list box.

8.     Update SIGN list box if the default value is not applicable.

NOTE:TheSIGN field controls whether the value is included or excluded for the field.

9.     Update OPTION list box if the default value is not applicable.

NOTE: The OPTION field controls the relationship between values.

10.  Enter a value in LOW field.

NOTE: The LOW field is the search value of the request.

11.  Enter a value in HIGH field if a high range is needed.

NOTE: If using a between clause, both LOW and HIGH fields must be populated.

12.  Select a value from OPERATOR list box.

13.  Select a type from ABAP TYPE list box.

NOTE: The ABAP TYPE controls the type of data that was entered in the LOW and HIGH fields.

14.  Click Save.